Mountain Transportation System Comment Period Now Open
Achieving transportation solutions for the Central Wasatch Mountains was a major goal of the Mountain Accord. Desired improvements focused on increasing transit use, biking, and walking and decreasing single-occupancy vehicle use. Multiple studies were conducted before, under Mountain Accord, and subsequently that analyzed local and regional transportation issues. Expanded ski bus service in the Cottonwood Canyons in the 2019-2020 ski season was one result of that work. UDOT is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to State legislative appropriations for improvements to Wasatch Boulevard and Little Cottonwood Canyon, scheduled for completion in mid-2021. Building on the work by Mountain Accord, UTA, Wasatch Front Regional Council, and UDOT, the Central Wasatch Commission is coordinating among jurisdictions and engaging the public to seek consensus for a proposed mountain transportation system in the Central Wasatch Mountains region.
A Mountain Transportation System
The Central Wasatch Commission is embarking on a year-long process to further refine and develop the transportation principles and initiatives outlined in Mountain Accord. Over the course of 2020, the Central Wasatch Commission aims to arrive at a proposed comprehensive year-round transportation system that includes the Salt Lake Valley, Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons, Parleys Canyon, and connections to the Wasatch Back. Stakeholders and the public are invited to engage at every juncture during this process, beginning with a public comment period on the initial scope, goals, and attributes of a Mountain Transportation System.
Read the Mountain Transportation System planning and scoping document here
View the Mountain Transportation System process timeline here
The Central Wasatch Commission Mountain Transportation System begins with the conclusions about the scope and attributes for a Mountain Transportation System in the Proposed Central Wasatch Blueprint, in Mountain Accord:
“[A Mountain Transportation System will] connect residents and visitors to mountain destinations and connect communities and people to jobs via efficient and sustainable transit choices. The solutions would manage the impacts of a rapidly growing population in ways that will reduce reliance on automobiles and decrease impacts on the environment. The proposed transit network would not only provide a more sustainable way to travel, it would also provide a powerful tool for the region to shape growth, reduce sprawl, and promote transit-oriented development that supports economic growth, quality of life, and environmental protection.”
The Central Wasatch Commission has developed a Mountain Transportation System Approach and Scope, and a proposed timeline for the year-long process. We’re opening this process by soliciting public comment on the proposed scope, attributes, and objectives of a potential mountain transportation system.
You may provide comments on the scope and attributes of the initiative, specifically focused on a Mountain Transportation System that achieves year-round, world-renowned recreation access to the Central Wasatch Mountains while minimizing adverse impacts on the ecosystems and watershed of the Central Wasatch Mountains, is respectful of the users and uses, and sustains the vibrant economy. Public comment will be open for this phase of the process through Sunday, March 1st. Comments can be submitted by filling out a comment form on the CWC website, by emailing the CWC staff at, or by postmarking comments by March 1st and mailing to the CWC offices at:
41 N Rio Grande St. Ste. 102
SLC, UT 84101
Comment on the Central Wasatch Commission Mountain Transportation System Scope, Attributes, and Objectives through March 1st:
For more information, contact Blake Perez at, or 801-702-2522.