Outdoor Gear Shed

What:gear shed on the west side of Salt Lake City. This gear shed works like a library, meaning that you can check-out the gear that you need for your outdoor adventures completely free of charge. There is camping, hiking, and winter gear available to check-out. For the full inventory, and to reserve gear, click the buttons below.


Where: Located at Mobile-Moon Co-op (2551 Hempstead St, Salt Lake City, UT 84119), a femme & queer-led collective that aids communities & ecosystems through education, empowerment & botanical stewardship.


Who:  The CWCYC Outdoor Access Committee partnered with the Gear Fund Collective, a mutual-aid collective redistributing outdoor gear free of charge, helping to close the loop of consumerism, capitalism, and inaccessibility.


Explore the Central Wasatch with free outdoor gear! Click the links below to learn more.




Central Wasatch Commission Youth Council members Kent Wu and Ryan McCann helping to construct and stock the community gear shed located at the Mobile Moon Coop in Salt Lake City.