August 2015

Mountain Accord Charter Signed

Develop an Environmental Dashboard to provide accessible and factual information about the Wasatch
Part of the original agreed upon Mountain Accord Charter

April 2016

Project Begins

Environmental Dashboard Project kicks off with the Brendle Group leading the effort


Project on Hold

Project put on hold while the Central Wasatch Commission forms and gets up and running

July 2019

Project Restarted

Project restarted with the University of Utah leading the new effort

November 2019

Phase 1

First report submitted

March 2020

Phase 2

Development of the dashboard started and then paused at the start of COVID

March 2021

Phase 2

Development restarted after COVID pause

March 2022

Phase 2

Beta version released for comment

April 2022

Initial Website Release

Public engagement begins

June 2022

Final Dashboard Release

The boundaries for this environmental dashboard project are based on naturally occurring hydrologic units (or drainage areas) and are independent of an jurisdictional boundary. The map below shows the environmental dashboard boundary compared to the Central Wasatch Commission’s administrative boundary.

PageDataData ProviderLink
WebcamsDeer Valley webcamDeer Valley Ski Resort
WebcamsSnowbird webcamSnowbird Ski Resort
WebcamsSalt Lake Valley webcamMesoWest group at the University of Utah
Vehicle EmissionsVehicle countsUtah Department of Transportation
PM 2.5 & OzoneAQIPurple Air
PM 2.5 & OzoneAQIUtah Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality
Greenhouse GasesUtah Atmospheric Trace Gas & Air QualityU Land-Atmosphere Interactions Research Group
Climate – Air TemperatureSNOTEL dataNRCS
Climate – PrecipitationSNOTEL dataNRCS
Climate – Air Temperature – HistoricWRCC COOP stationsWestern Regional Climate Center
Climate – Precipitation – HistoricWRCC COOP stationsWestern Regional Climate Center
PageDataData ProviderLink
General GeologyGeneral geological formationsUtah Geological Survey
StructureGeological StuctureUtah Geospatial Resource Center
AquifersAquifer Recharge and Discharge AreasUtah Geospatial Resource Center
Soil TypeSoil type mapUtah Geospatial Resource Center
Soil DisturbanceMinesUtah Geological Survey
Hazards – EarthquakesEarthquakesUtah Geospatial Resource Center
Hazards-AvalanceAvalanche pathsUtah Geospatial Resource Center
Hazards – LandslidesLandslideUtah Geospatial Resource Center
PageDataData ProviderLink
MapVegetation communitiesLandfire
ShrublandShrubland areasLandfire
ForestForest areasLandfire
AlpineAlpine areasDIGIT lab in house
RiparianRiparian areasLandfire and USGS/NHD ;
PageDataData Provider
Current water conditionsPrecipitation
Stream flowDischarge dataUSGS
Soil moistureSNOTEL dataNRCS
GroundwaterGround water dataUSGS
Reservoir StorageReservoirNRCS
EvapotranspirationSNOTEL dataNRCS
E. coli
Stream chemistry
PageDataData Provider
AnimalsHabitat mapsUtah Department of Natural Resources – Division of Wildlife Resources
AnimalsField Guides
PlantsPhotographsAndrey Zharkikh

Who is the audience for the Environmental Dashboard?

The Environmental Dashboard is a tool for the public, land managers, policy makers and technical users.The Dashboard is a data-rich, and technically credible tool that anyone can understand and use.

How will the Dashboard inform future planning and decision making?

The Environmental Dashboard provides a centralized location to access current and historical data for Air Quality and Climate, Geology and Soils, Vegetation Communities, Water, and Wildlife. Users can study current conditions, analyze historical trends. 

What data sets are being used?

The Environmental Dashboard features spatial data using Geographic Information System (GIS) and data visualization tools. The data sources are individually outlined and web links provided on the Data Resources page. All data sources used in the Environmental Dashboard are from existing data and no new data were collected.

How often will the data be updated?

The update schedule depends on the individual data set and how the authoritative data provider makes the data available.  Data sets that are provided as web services will update in near real time. Data sets that require download or data processing will be updated quarterly. Certain data sets that infrequently change (ex. soils) will be updated on an as needed basis.

How do I notify someone about missing or incomplete data?

Data does not exist for all of the Elements’ metrics and sub-metrics that the subject matter experts outlined as important. The current dashboard is built using existing data sets only that were identified by the subject matter experts or identified by the project team. Not all available data exist in a readily usable format. If there are data sets that were missed, please complete the “Provide Data Recommendations” form that is located in the footer of every web page. 

What about people and human activities in the mountains?

Utah State University is currently conducting a Visitor-Use Study of the Central Wasatch Mountains.  This Study will be completed in December 2022 and integrated into the Dashboard as a 6th element in 2023.

Project Team

University of Utah

Ehleringer Lab

Sageland Collaborative

Special Thanks

Extended to the US Forest Service which contributed to every subject area

Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest

Air Quality and Climate

  • Bryce Bird, Utah Division of Air Quality
  • Royal Delegge, Salt Lake County Public Health
  • John Horel, University of Utah Atmospheric Sciences
  • Jon Lin, University of Utah Atmospheric Sciences
  • Kerry Kelly, University of Utah Chemical Engineering
  • Daniel Mendoza, University of Utah Atmospheric Sciences
  • Logan Mitchell, University of Utah Atmospheric Sciences

Geology and Soils

  • Steve Bowman, Utah Geological Survey
  • Marshall Robinson, Utah Geological Survey
  • Bir Thapa, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Vegetation Communities

  • Bill Anderegg, University of Utah, School of Biological Sciences
  • Barbara Bentz, Utah State University
  • Andrea Brunelle,  University of Utah, Geography
  • Phil Dennison, University of Utah, Geography
  • Eric McCulley, River Restoration
  • Diane Menuz, Utah Geological Survey


  • Laura Briefer, Salt Lake City Public Utilities
  • Paul Brooks, University of Utah
  • Cass Goodman, NOAA, Colorado River Forecasting Center
  • Elise Hinman, Utah Division of Water Quality
  • Abi Holt, Sandy Public Utilities
  • Eric McCulley, River Restoration
  • Paul Miller, NOAA, Colorado River Forecasting Center
  • Mike Rau, Central Utah Water Conservancy District
  • Marian Hubbard Rice, Salt Lake City Public Utilities
  • Pat Shea, Friends of Alta
  • John Skalback, University of Wisconsin, Lakeside
  • Michelle Stokes, NOAA, Colorado River Forecasting Center
  • Sam Taylor, Salt Lake County
  • Bob Thompson, Salt Lake County


  • Buck Ehler, Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources
  • Madeline Engel, Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources
  • William Gray, University of Utah, School of Biological Sciences, Professor Emeritus
  • Austin Green, University of Utah, School of Biological Sciences
  • Allison Izaksonas, Natural History Museum of Utah
  • Sarah Lindsey, Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources
  • Liz Moore, Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources
  • Eric McCulley, River Restoration
  • Bill Newmark, Natural History Museum of Utah
  • Russ Norvell, Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources
  • Mitchell Power, University of Utah, Geography/ Natural History Museum of Utah
  • Andrey Zharkikh, Plant photography

Please send all comments and questions to Lindsay Nielsen, Central Wasatch Commission,

Central Wasatch Commission Terms of Use



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