The Central Wasatch Commission Issues a Request for Proposals for a Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan
The Central Wasatch Commission is issuing a request for proposals for a Big Cottonwood Canyon mobility action plan. The project will create a playbook containing a prioritized list of near-, mid-, and long-term recommendations accompanied by tangible and actionable strategies with potential funding sources and determine the level of NEPA analysis that will leave regional partners well-positioned to pursue funding opportunities and transition immediately into the implementation of the final recommendations.
The CWC is accepting proposals now until August 30th, 2022, and requests that all proposals and attachments be emailed to Blake Perez at: The request for proposals and background information for proposal submitters are included below.
The Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan (BBCMAP) will develop a strategy to guide local transportation investments over time by leveraging technology, foundational documents, enhanced transit options to expand sustainable transportation choices and develop a robust mobility system that supports positive environmental, social, and economic outcomes for the region. The BCCMAP will identify key projects, policies, and process improvements to catalyze the vision for a regional, multi-modal, year-round mobility system serving all users of Big Cottonwood Canyon and facilitate the integration of new and emerging technologies, transportation demand management strategies, and enhanced transit options for Big Cottonwood Canyon.
The project will create a playbook containing a prioritized list of near-, mid-, and long-term recommendations accompanied by tangible and actionable strategies with potential funding sources and, in consultation with leading NEPA agencies Utah Department of Transportation and United States Forest Service, determination the level of NEPA analysis that will leave regional partners well-positioned to pursue funding opportunities and transition immediately into the implementation of the final, board-approved BCCMAP recommendations. Recommendations should not be limited to projects and programs but should also include potential policy reform or development, as well as process improvements or expediting, which may require additional document review and staff interviews.
Overarching community engagement and outreach assistance will be needed throughout the process to ensure the BCCMAP has a broad basis of support and reflects the local context. All tasks will culminate into the final BCCMAP product. However, the CWC and stakeholders envision three primary components of the MAP development, including: 1) a general mobility assessment to holistically evaluate the existing and planned mobility network, identify gaps and synthesize existing plans and programs to ensure consistency between goals and priorities; 2) development of tailored mobility hubs siting criteria followed by a site selection and programming process; and 3) transit investments that improve quality of users experience, reliability, frequency, year-round service, serves all canyon users, and protects critical resources. The CWC and stakeholders are also interested in identifying initial action items with the potential for more immediate implementation.
The BCCMAP is funded by a consortium of partners including the Central Wasatch Commission, Town of Brighton, Cottonwood Heights, and other partners. Participating partners with jurisdictional oversight include United States Forest Service, Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities, Utah Transit Authority and the Utah Department of Transportation. The total amount payable to the selected Consultant shall not exceed $155,000, with a performance period starting at contract execution and ending no later than May 1st, 2023.
- Respondents must submit one (1) electronic copy (PDF) of their Proposal via email to the CWC Project Manager (listed below) prior to the submittal deadline of 5:00PM (MST), Tuesday, August 30th, 2022. Proposals should fully address all requests for information and documentation laid out in the “Proposal Submittal Requirements” in Appendix A. Proposals received prior to the submittal deadline may be withdrawn or modified by written request of the Respondent but must still comply with the submittal deadline to be considered. Proposals received after the submittal deadline specified above will be considered nonresponsive and rejected. Unsigned proposals or proposals signed by an individual not authorized to contractually bind the Respondent firm will be considered nonresponsive and rejected. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Respondent to monitor the posting of written responses or amendments. The CWC reserves the unilateral right to amend, cancel or reissue this RFP at any time, at its sole discretion.
Project Manager and contact information:
Blake Perez, CWC Executive Director- Administration
- Release Request for Proposals Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022
- Letter of Intent Thursday, August 11th, 2022
- Questions and Inquiries Tuesday, August 23rd 2022 (Please contact Project Manager) 12:00 PM
- Proposal Due Date 5:00 PM Tuesday, August 30th, 2022
- Potential Interviews September 13, 2022
- Notifications of Results Week of September 19th, 2022
- Negotiations/Pre-Award Audit September 19th, 2022
- Award of Contract October 3rd, 2022
- PROPOSAL EVALUATION & SELECTION PROCESS Upon receipt of all proposals, the CWC Project Manager will conduct an initial compliance screening of proposals. Fully compliant proposals will be forwarded for review by the selection committee. The committee will evaluate, score, and rank all written proposals using the Proposal Evaluation Criteria (Attached). The criteria are weighted as follows:
1. Adherence to RFP Instructions | 5% |
2. Company Information | 20% |
3. Project Understanding | 30% |
4. Requirements | 35% |
5. Fee Summary | 10% |
The selection committee will receive presentations, may interview the shortlisted firms, and may adjust their scoresheet according to each firm’s performance. The firm with the highest ranking will be recommended by the selection committee to the CWC Executive Committee and full Board. The CWC will then negotiate a contract with the highest ranked firm. If there are unresolved issues and negotiations are unsuccessful with the top ranked firm, negotiations with that firm may be formally terminated and the CWC may attempt to negotiate an agreement with the next highest ranked firm. Final award of the Consultant’s contract will be subject to the approval of the CWC Board at the next available meeting.
The Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan is from the Central Wasatch Commission Transportation Committee direction to develop a strategy that addresses immediate and long-term mobility needs that would examine how best to leverage new and emerging mobility models, technologies, policies, and enhancing local transit options for Big Cottonwood Canyon. The CWC Transportation Committee first presented a BCCMAP concept in June 2022 with the intention of further refining its scope and purpose, then acquiring funding to develop and implement the plan. The CWC along with Town of Brighton, Cottonwood Heights, Brighton Ski Resort, and Solitude Ski Resort provided funding for the development of the BCCMAP.
The plan development process will include extensive stakeholder outreach, identify Mobility Hub locations through conceptual design, identification, and prioritization of key projects (near-, mid- and long-term) to integrate new mobility and technology, enhance public transit options and frequency, dynamic transportation demand management strategies and position and identify top-ranked projects for funding/implementation. An overarching goal of the BCCMAP is to receive funding for transit improvements, develop a flexible and scalable parking management program, partnerships and projects that will increase safe active and multi-modal trips, directly supporting improved community health outcomes, reduced vehicle miles traveled, and progress toward local, regional, and state climate goals. Specifically, the BCCMAP will help inventory Big Cottonwood Canyon’s existing mobility system, synthesize existing plans and studies, and conduct innovative outreach to develop tailored, data-driven recommendations on when and where to implement key planning, infrastructure, and policy changes that will be effective in offering residents and visitors more sustainable and desirable transportation choices. This will require analyzing the existing transportation network, defining various stakeholders’ roles across modes and services, and conducting analyses to make recommendations on how regional partners should potentially invest resources and funding to better support a mobility system that works for residents and visitors to Big Cottonwood Canyon. Importantly, the BCCMAP will help policy makers develop strategies alongside an evolving transportation system, pressures from urban growth, and increased visitation. The BCCMAP will help evaluate previous plans, studies, projects, policies, and processes to ensure a clear and unified approach for implementation by prioritizing projects that support the region’s broader goals.
The MAP will be used as an implementation tool by providing a catalog of well-defined and prioritized mobility projects and initiatives for the Central Wasatch Commission to leverage when seeking funding. In addition to cataloging each project and identifying funding, an explanation of what level, if any, NEPA would need to be conducted. The resulting project list and recommendations should lead to direct implementation and/or the development of key plans, projects, pilots, or policy reforms, beginning with the top prioritized action items. The resulting BCCMAP will enable policy makers to jump start changes to make the mobility system more sustainable and meet the needs of today while dynamic enough to meet future challenges and needs.
The BCCMAP was originally intended to examine the public transportation system operating more closely in and adjacent to Big Cottonwood Canyon and identify innovative approaches to streamline existing services, identify cost savings, and enhance the transit user experience. In addition to this work, there is the ongoing Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement that will have an impact on the BCCMAP. Each of the ski resorts in Big Cottonwood Canyon are implementing varying parking management programs.
The USFS is currently underway with identifying and improving several dispersed recreation sites through Great American Outdoors Act funding. Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities is currently updating its Watershed Master plan. The Central Wasatch Commission is conducting a Visitor Use Study, scheduled for completion by the end of 2022. The Central Wasatch Commission has also developed an Environmental Dashboard as an online source of environmental information in the Central Wasatch Mountains. The Mountain Accord and the Pillars for Transportation Solutions in the Central Wasatch Mountains are the guiding documents for the CWC and will be considered during this project.
Professional services are solicited from qualified Consultants to supplement CWC staff and develop multiple components of the BCCMAP, as described in the following sections. Please note, as indicated throughout the scope, the Consultant will lead on most tasks, while CWC staff will mostly support, provide reference, and direction on others. The selected Consultant team should be prepared to work closely with the CWC Project Manager to clearly define roles and responsibilities during the contracting phase, to be included in the detailed work plan.
The Central Wasatch Commission encourages, but does not require, submittals from firms/teams with experience in the following:
- Multi-modal transportation planning, including active transportation, transit, shared and micro mobility, mobility hubs, curb management, parking management, data analytics and intelligent transportation systems.
- Innovate community outreach, marketing, and engagement, including infographics, concept rendering, mapping, stakeholder, and community events
- History of working with NEPA process
- Collaborative working history with state DOTs, United States Forest Service, public utilities, environmental interests, and public and private interests
- New and emerging transportation trends and technologies to inform a long-range strategy
- Evaluating institutional processes/policies for alignment with broader regional goals/values
Respondents are encouraged to suggest scope modifications in their proposals that may strengthen the project or better use limited funds. The final scope of work will be negotiated with the selected Consultant during the contracting phase.
- Project Kick-off Meeting The Central Wasatch Commission and Consultant will hold a meeting to review the selected proposal, finalize the project scope and schedule, and discuss project team expectations. Input from this meeting will inform the Detailed Work Plan. The Consultant will prepare an agenda, lead the meeting, and provide a copy of meeting notes to the Central Wasatch Commission summarizing any actions or next steps, role assignments, and deadlines discussed in the meeting.
- Monthly Invoicing & Reporting The Consultant will submit monthly invoices to the Project Manager and progress reports in accordance with State of Utah requirements and using appropriate invoice and reporting templates, including necessary documentation of all expenses and activities, and including subconsultant work. Task and Subtask will accurately categorize all expenses, as agreed upon in the final executed agreement, and will include updates on progress made toward each respective deliverable. Monthly reports should be submitted at the same time as invoices, including a summary of work completed to-date, work completed during the invoice period, and any events or milestones expected in the next month. Any challenges or delays should be discussed, and proposed solutions should be noted.
- General Project Administration The Consultant shall be responsible for managing its team and any subcontractors, and all related work products and deliverables, communicating and coordinating all project components with the Project Manager, and ensuring that project progress abides by the agreed upon scope and timeline. Consultant should work with the Central Wasatch Commission to determine a finite number of Commission and Stakeholders Council meetings they will attend.
- Detailed Work Plan The Consultant will work closely with the CWC Project Manager to produce a detailed work plan that will include target dates for events, milestones, and deliverables. The plan should mention any risks or unknown variables that could cause delays in the schedule. The detailed work plan will be approved by the CWC Transportation Committee.
- Vision, Goals, & Guiding Values Development The Consultant will assist the Central Wasatch Commission in developing, refining, and communicating the final Vision, Goals, and Guiding Values of the BCCMAP, which will be shaped by stakeholder input and foundational documents. The Consultant will provide a technical memo describing the vision, goals, and guiding values of the BCCMAP and how they were arrived. Consultant will also include a summary of how the BCCMAP principles relate to and reinforce the CWC MTS Pillars, Mountain Accord, and other state transportation, social, and environmental goals. This will be included as a section in the final BCCMAP document as an introductory chapter.
- Performance Measurement Framework The Consultant will work closely with the CWC Project Manager to develop and refine key performance indicators and metrics at the beginning of the BCCMAP development to monitor progress over time. The final framework should present a list of KPIs along with a plan for the CWC to continue monitoring performance toward implementation of the plan moving forward.
- Community Outreach Framework (Memo) The Consultant will assist the Central Wasatch Commission in the development of a Community Outreach Framework outlining the selected approach to stakeholder engagement throughout the project. The framework will detail key outreach events, timelines, social and traditional media strategies, and language/translation needs, among other elements. The Central Wasatch Commission is looking for highly innovative and effective ways to integrate community input into the BCCMAP process. The Consultant will assist the CWC in identifying alternative ways to solicit meaningful input from community members and relevant stakeholders at key milestones in the process. Consultant shall prepare a Community Outreach Framework Memo compiling best practices and recommendations tailored for BCCMAP development and implementation. Community Outreach methods should be considered as a component of BCCMAP goals and performance evaluation. The Consultant will lead, with assistance from CWC staff, in the development, refinement, production, and distribution of various materials to be used for ongoing stakeholder outreach, which may include flyers, brochures, infographics, brand development, story maps. The Consultant will be responsible for providing materials needed to implement the Community Outreach Framework and other tasks listed herein.
- Project Webpage & Social Media Toolkits The Central Wasatch Commission’s website will serve as the project’s website and will provide a specific location for the project description, announcements, updates, contact information, meeting results, project deliverables, and links to outreach elements. CWC’s social media and stakeholder partners will supplement the webpage by providing updates to the community and link users to the project website on the CWC page. The CWC will host the project webpage on the CWC’s webpage, but will collaborate with the Consultant to develop, refine, and post content. The Consultant will be primarily responsible for assisting the CWC in the curation of content, including engaging graphics and a social media toolkit that can be used by the CWC throughout the life of the project. The Consultant will also assist in the development of project branding and infographics/graphics development.
- Stakeholders Council Workshop The Consultant will lead a community workshop(s) with the CWC’s Stakeholders Council to solicit feedback and communicate interim findings and outcomes from the BCCMAP development process. Consultant will assist the CWC in the coordination and production of the workshop and related materials, and in recording stakeholder feedback. These workshops will focus on bringing together members of the CWC Stakeholders Council to present information at key milestones for feedback or as information. Consultant must clearly define the quantity of workshops, or distribution of work proposed.
- CWC Transportation Committee The CWC Transportation Committee is composed of several local mayors and ex-oficio members from the public transit agency and public utilities. Other stakeholders, including funding partners, join and participate in those meetings. The CWC Transportation Committee will provide ongoing review and feedback at key project milestones. The CWC Project Manager will coordinate and administer meetings to provide information to, and solicit guidance and input from, the group. The Consultant will be asked to assist the CWC to determine the most effective approach to engaging with the CWC Transportation Committee and to facilitate meetings to ensure meaningful input is used to shape BCCMAP recommendations. Consultant may be asked to make presentations to the group and record feedback.
- Stakeholder and Board Workshops The Consultants will conduct workshops with the Stakeholder Council, the CWC Transportation Committee, and the full CWC board at key stages of the Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan Development with a primary focusing on soliciting feedback and approval for the Vision, Goals, & Guiding Values, and the final recommendations of the Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan. Additional input will be collected to inform the Mobility Hubs Analysis and BCCMAP recommendations. Assistance will be required from the Consultant to prepare presentation and workshop materials, prepare meeting agendas and minutes and follow-up on action items. Precise roles and responsibilities related to this task will be negotiated with the select contractor and defined in the detailed work plan.
- Outreach Summary (Memo) The Consultant will provide a document summarizing all outreach efforts conducted which contribute to the final BCCMAP development. Interim summaries of major outreach events will be provided throughout the BCCMAP development process, and a comprehensive summary will be prepared for inclusion as a section in the Draft and Final BCCMAP document. This deliverable will ensure that all outreach and engagement efforts are communicated in the final plan.
- Relevant Document and Plan Consistency Review -The Consultant will conduct a review of all appropriate documents to establish a foundational knowledge of the region’s current transportation network, including related plans, projects, programs, and policies that may relate the development of the BCCMAP. This will primarily include plans, policies, proposals, and visions that relate directly to transportation and land-use policy but may have extensions to other plans and policies. In addition, the Consultant will work with the CWC staff, UDOT, and UTA to consider existing management plans, roadway design, evaluation, and implementation practices. The CWC Pillars document should also be referenced. The Mountain Accord will also be reviewed and referred to as a supporting guidepost for the BCCMAP. The Consultant will propose an approach to assist the CWC in assessing consistency across relevant jurisdictional plans and policies, define the relationship of the BCCMAP to other plans, and identify any additional steps that may be needed to consider prioritizing goals and objectives across documents. The selected Consultant will work with the CWC to narrow the scope of review, to be reflected in the Detailed Work Plan, based upon the Kick-off Meeting and early stakeholder feedback on plan goals.
- Data Collection The Consultant will work with the CWC, Utah Transit Authority, UDOT, ski resorts, etc. to collect relevant existing data and identify, prioritize, and collect a select set of additional data. Existing data that is currently available includes traffic volumes, historical travel times, limited StreetLight data, transportation system movements, safety and collision data, 5-Year American Communities Survey (ACS) data, Bike/Ped Level of Stress, and community feedback received through related outreach efforts. Transit ridership data is expected to be included in data collection. The purchase of data from third-party entities may be considered by Respondents in their proposals in this section. The Consultant will also work with the CWC to identify data needs and gaps related to all aspects of the BCCMAP development. The Consultant will assist the CWC in prioritizing and collecting remaining data necessary to conduct BCCMAP analyses and make project recommendations and may also identify non-vital data collection efforts that should be included as action items resulting from the BCCMAP. Any data collection not feasible to conduct during the BCCMAP process may be identified as a recommendation of the BCCMAP for the CWC to complete later.
- Existing Mobility Conditions & Gaps Analysis The Consultant will develop an inventory of existing and potential transportation choices and supportive infrastructure, considering the existing regional transportation system. Much of this task will require synthesizing existing data from across multiple sources to develop a comprehensive understanding of the mobility network including transit services and parking utilization. Data from preceding subtasks and from outreach conducted in Task 3 should be leveraged to identify key barriers deterring multi-modal transportation in Big Cottonwood Canyon, including safety, infrastructure, lack of choice, parking challenges, transit travel time delays and unreliability or others. In addition, the Consultant will note gaps observed regarding processes, plans, projects, or policies presenting opportunities to better integrate multi-modalism and leverage technology to improve circulation. A key function of this task will be to compile gaps, challenges, and barriers identified across multiple modes, plans, and jurisdictions and develop a ranking exercise that will result in a final list of prioritized barriers to be addressed by the BCCMAP. Building on this, the Consultant will also produce a report documenting findings. The primary function of this report is to establish the current conditions and relationships between adopted plan, policies, and projects with the BCCMAP moving forward. It should evaluate both available modes and supportive infrastructure (or lack thereof). From the institutional perspective, staff level interviews may be required to fully document internal processes or policies that may become subject to recommendations for enhancement through the BCCMAP process. This task will provide the basis for later analyses and recommendations. This report will form the basis for developing various solutions and recommendations to improve mobility.
- Review Best Practices & Siting Criteria The Consultant will conduct a comprehensive literature review of best practices related to Mobility Hubs and including a review of hub siting criteria utilized by other agencies and any other emerging and relevant practices. To the extent available, any academic or professional research or data collection conducted to elaborate on the proven impacts of Mobility Hubs on travel behavior or toward regional goals should be included.
- Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Hub Siting Criteria & Design Standards The Consultant will work with the CWC to develop standard criteria to identify the optimal locations and composition of a network of Mobility Hubs throughout the region and Big Cottonwood Canyon. This will include developing a tailored working definition of a Mobility Hub. The Mobility Hubs selection will include the Little Cottonwood Canyon EIS preferred alternative mobility hub recommendations. The number of potential Mobility Hub locations will be determined through the application of siting criteria including but not limited to ski resorts, trailheads, economic and community nodes. In addition to geographic location, design standards & guidelines for modal programming should be developed based on the relationship to land use and existing mobility network. In addition to the siting criteria and design standards, a final deliverable from this task should include an accessible infographic that identifies travel catchment areas with standard distances and travel times by modes, as well as recommended mode choices by land use designation (i.e. – overall look/feel may resemble a traditional rural-to-urban transect graphic).
- Mobility Hubs Analysis & Recommendations (Memo) The Consultant will utilize the adopted siting criteria and data collected in preceding tasks to conduct a Mobility Hubs Analysis to determine optimal locations along with multi-modal programming and design recommendations for each. Findings will include a detailed narrative for each proposed location along with an inventory of proposed mobility choices. Recommended Hub locations will be prioritized for implementation based upon community and stakeholder feedback, and information gathered through the Best Practices review.
- Conceptual Renderings The Consultant will produce renderings for the top prioritized Mobility Hubs. Renderings shall be provided in both a high-quality electronic format. The Consultant will work with the CWC to refine the renderings to meet the stakeholder’s standards. Providing visual examples to the community at outreach events, on the project webpage, and on social media will help build support for multi-modal infrastructure in Big Cottonwood Canyon and will be leveraged when the CWC pursues resources to implement Mobility Hubs later.
- Mobility Hub Implementation Strategy The purpose of this task is to produce a document to guide the implementation of the Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Hubs. The Consultant will develop an implementation strategy that provides guidance on varying levels of coordination necessary to convene multiple modes, including private and public partnerships. It should also provide preliminary scoping, cost estimates and narrative language for potential mobility hub locations that will facilitate future grant applications. A brief section of potential financing and resources available to develop multi-modal mobility hubs should also be included. In addition, the Consultant will include an action agenda indicating supplementary steps the CWC should take to support the development and implementation of Mobility Hubs throughout Big Cottonwood Canyon. The deliverable from this task will be included as a section in the Final Mobility Action Plan.
- Mobility Action Plan Outline The Consultant will work with the CWC to develop an outline early in the plan development to establish the overall structure of the BCCMAP, which will include an Executive Summary. The outline should clearly delineate how the mobility system, its component pieces (modes, infrastructure, policy, etc.), and the interrelationships between them will be addressed. In addition to multiple mode choices (i.e. – car, bus, bike, rideshare, autonomous vehicle, etc.), the outline will consider how supportive and enabling infrastructure, technologies, policies will be integrated into the final BCCMAP document. Lastly, the Consultant will develop an approach to ensuring that residents of all ages, incomes and abilities are considered throughout the plan. The CWC will approve the final outline.
- BCCMAP Implementation Strategy The Consultant will include a final BCCMAP Implementation guide that compiles key outcomes and deliverables. This document will provide a comprehensive strategy for the CWC, UTA, and UDOT to develop a smart, multi-modal, year-round transportation network. This task should address funding and resource considerations, policy recommendations, any anticipated barriers to implementation, and level of NEPA analysis in consultation with the lead NEPA agency. Within the Implementation Plan, the Consultant will also include a Performance Monitoring Plan to track implementation, anticipated milestones, and metrics of success, as defined in Task 1 processes.
- Draft & Final Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan The Consultant will compile, refine, and finalize a Draft Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan building upon all preceding work and deliverables described herein. The Consultants will present the Draft Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan to relevant Committees and Board for feedback. The BCCMAP will bring together the key deliverables from the preceding tasks to develop a single cohesive document that illustrates Big Cottonwood Canyon existing mobility system, its trajectory for transit and mobility investments, and a detailed Action Agenda that communicates stakeholder’s priorities and next steps to achieving the vision and goals of the BCCMAP.
- Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan (BCCMAP) The primary deliverable from the BCCMAP process should be a comprehensive action plan detailing recommended projects and pilots, plans, policy reform, policy creation, and/or process improvements that will assist regional partners in further developing and refining a regional transportation system that meets the needs of today and tomorrow. The recommendations should be tied to a phasing plan, with a greater level of implementation guidance placed upon near- to mid-term recommendations. The CWC is also interested in identifying and advancing work on any initial action items that may be recommended by the Consultant, subject to appropriate review and approval. The BCCMAP will provide a detailed blueprint to guide transportation planning team efforts to ensure that energy is focused on projects and efforts that will achieve the greatest progress. In addition, the Consultant will develop an Executive Summary that provides an accessible and visual document for general distribution to the community. The Consultant, in addition to materials produced in preceding tasks, will work with the CWC to include in the Final BCCMAP document an assortment of engaging photographs, infographics, charts, tables, maps, and/or other visual communication tools to effectively communicate the benefits of a smart, multi-modal, year-round mobility network, including translated materials. The Consultant will integrate all comments and make necessary changes requested by the CWC Project Manager and any additional relevant reviewers the Project Manager identifies, within reason, to gain approval of the final plan. The final BCCMAP will be submitted in PDF format.
- Final MAP Adoption, Presentations & Contract Close-out The Consultant will present the Final Big Cottonwood Canyon Mobility Action Plan to the CWC Transportation Committee and CWC Board for adoption. The Consultant should plan to be present for both meetings to assist in answering question regarding consultant prepared deliverables or materials. The Consultant will provide all project files and materials to the CWC. In coordination with the CWC and funding partners, the Consultant will provide all necessary documentation, invoicing, and reporting for contract close-out.
The CWC shall not be responsible for and/or shall not pay any costs associated with the preparation, proposal, or presentation of any proposal, or costs incurred by the responding firms during the interview and negotiations phase of the solicitation process. Respondent proposals must include the following information, as detailed below (1a through 1i).
- No page limit or formatting requirements will be imposed, however Respondents demonstrating effective written and visual communication of proposal concepts in a concise manner may be evaluated more favorably. Proposals must be complete and accurate; omissions, inaccuracies or misstatements may be cause for rejection.
- Proposals shall be submitted to the CWC Project Manager listed in the RFP document no later than the specified submittal deadline. Firms shall respond to the written RFP and include all requested exhibits, attachments, or amendments. A responding firm’s failure to submit a proposal as required before the deadline shall cause the proposal to be disqualified. Responding firms assume the risk of the method of dispatch chosen. The CWC assumes no responsibility for delays caused by any delivery service. Postmarking by the due date shall not substitute for actual receipt of the proposal by the CWC. Late proposals shall not be accepted, nor shall additional time be granted to any responding firm.
- Introductory Letter
- Background, Qualifications & Experience
- References
- Litigation
- Methodology & Approach
- Proposed Work Plan & Schedule
- Cost Proposal
- Supportive Information
- Conflict of Interest Statement
- Local Benefit Statement
- Insurance Requirements
- Introductory Letter. The letter shall be submitted on the proposing firm’s letterhead and must include:
- Full legal name, general address, and phone number of proposing firm.
- Name, title, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address and summary of qualifications for proposed Consultant Project Manager.
- Contact information for any/all representative(s) that should be included in correspondence regarding this RFP (if different from the Consultant Project Manager).
- List all subconsultant firms (if any) proposed to complete any portion of the scope.
- Statement demonstrating firm’s understanding of the CWC’s goals and requested services associated with this RFP and brief description of firm’s submitted response, highlighting any aspects of the proposal or team that make them uniquely qualified to complete said work.
- Brief statement of why the Respondent firm is interested in working on this specific project.
- Statement that “submitted proposal shall remain valid for at least ninety (90) business days from proposal submittal deadline and thereafter in accordance with any resulting contract”.
- Signature of a representative authorized to enter firm into a binding contract with the CWC, if selected. An unsigned proposal, or one signed by an individual not authorized to bind the prospective firm, will be rejected.
- Background, Qualifications & Experience. Please provide a brief history and background of your firm, including the number of years the firm has been in business, your firm’s size, and the nature and scope of the firm’s experience. Please also include your firm’s mission statement and a statement of your firm’s work philosophy. Provide a written narrative describing your firm’s ability and specific approach to providing the scope of services requested in this RFP. If specific tasks will be subcontracted, please clearly state this. Submit abbreviated resumes featuring experience and qualifications for all staff, including subcontractors, proposed to deliver the RFP scope of services. Indicate location of the office(s) from which the contract is proposed to be managed, and majority of key personnel assigned to the contract will be located. Please indicate the expected level of involvement with this project for each person listed, clearly identifying key personnel that will be directly and frequently coordinating with the CWC Project Manager. Key personnel are regarded as those who will contribute the most time toward completion of the project and will be responsible for ensuring the quality and timeliness of all project deliverables. Any changes in key personnel after the award of contract must be approved by the CWC. An organizational chart is recommended for inclusion. A written description of your firm’s knowledge areas and relevant experience should also be included. Specifically, please cite the extent to which your team has experience in the following:
- Multimodal transportation planning, especially related to transit service, mobility hubs
- Depth of knowledge of current transportation, management, and related technology trends
- Working relationship with United States Forest Serve, State DOT’s, public utilities, and various stakeholders
- Transit operations, analysis, and planning
- Innovative community outreach and engagement
- Institutional policy and/or process evaluation and improvement
- Social equity and/or accessibility analyses
- References. Describe in detail a maximum of five (5) (limit of one project per page) public sector or similar projects maintained in the last five (5) years that demonstrate your firms experience executing tasks similar in nature to those listed in Section 3 of this RFP. This section should describe work which is comparable in both scope and complexity to the project and which the Respondent team has undertaken in the last five (5) years. A discussion of the challenges faced, and solutions developed by the team is highly recommended. The section should also include the following information for each referenced project:
- Name of project, project cost, and date Respondent services were provided
- Names of Respondent’s project manager and key team personnel
- Scope of the Respondent team’s assignment on the project
- Contact information for each client and any other consultant teams that participated on the project Please also include a list, if any, of all current contractual relationships with the CWC and all those completed within the previous five-(5) year period. Firms with prior experience working with the CWC will not necessarily score better; firms with a demonstrated experience to execute similar work products will be scored according to references, regardless of the jurisdiction where work was completed.
- Litigation. Please indicate if the proposing firm was involved with any litigation in connection with prior projects. If yes, briefly describe the nature of the litigation and the result.
- Methodology & Approach. Please take this opportunity to discuss your firm’s unique approach to complete the proposed scope of work, including any specific techniques, skills, experience, or expertise that will be used to produce a high-quality deliverable. Proposals that clearly describe how their contribution to the BCCMAP’s development will result in tangible, implementable action rather than a static planning document will be evaluated more favorably than those that do not. In addition to a general approach description, please also answer the following questions (a through e) regarding your proposal:
- Why is your firm/team interested in partnering with the CWC to complete this specific project?
- What makes your firm/team uniquely qualified relative to other prospective proposers?
- Is your firm/team proposing any deviations or different approaches to the Scope of Work? Please clearly explain any proposed changes that your firm/team believes would strengthen the project process and/or deliverables.
- Please include a statement describing your firm/team’s approach to community engagement.
- Please briefly describe your firm’s philosophy regarding the relationship between social equity and transportation/mobility.
- Proposed Work Plan & Schedule. Please include a proposed work plan and schedule. The final work plan and schedule must be approved by the CWC Project Manager. As noted in Section 3 of this RFP, Respondents are encouraged to identify any proposed modifications, additions, or deviations from the original scope of work, so long as the scope intent and outcomes remain the same. Modifications to the Work Schedule are permittable, such that the deliverables associated with each task or subtask will be completed within a reasonable timeframe.
- Cost Proposal. The proposal must include a cost proposal for each component service of the scope, broken down by task/subtask. It is the CWC’s intent to negotiate a fixed fee “not to exceed” contract for mutually agreed upon services. The selected firm will bill monthly for the contracted services based on a schedule of values of tasks performed, or on a time and materials basis, for extra work not to exceed the negotiated fee for each specific unit of work. Consultants will bill the CWC monthly.
- Supportive Information. Please include any additional information not reflected in the preceding section, but which your firm deems relevant to the CWC’s evaluation of proposals. Please do not include full-length documents or examples of previous work. If included a list of links/URLs to digital copies are preferred.
- Conflict of Interest Statement. The prospective Respondent shall disclose any financial, business, or other relationship with the CWC that may have an impact upon the outcome of this contract. The prospective Respondent shall also list current clients who may have a financial interest in the outcome of this contract or any CWC construction project that may follow.
- Insurance Coverage. The successful responding firm will be required to provide proof of insurance as set forth in Attachment 1 – Standard Contract for Services prior to commencing work. Failure to provide evidence of such insurance coverage is a material breach and grounds for termination of contract negotiations. Any insurance required shall be in form and substance acceptable to the CWC.