Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement Comment Period Extended Until Further Notice
April 2019
UDOT’s Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement study team has extended the comment period for the EIS until further notice. The language below is a project update from UDOT’s study team.
Thank you for your continued interest in the Little Cottonwood Canyon EIS.
Many of you may be aware that UDOT recently provided an additional $13 million to fund the purchase of property at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon to build a future transit hub.
The Wasatch Front Regional Council’s 2019-2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)* identified the need for roadway capacity improvements including (1) an additional lane in Little Cottonwood Canyon and (2) a need for transit improvements.
The inclusion of the additional lane in Little Cottonwood Canyon in the RTP indicated a need to include roadway capacity in the EIS, in addition to the immediate challenges of Wasatch Boulevard, trailhead parking and avalanche mitigation.
UDOT will be releasing a revised notice of intent (NOI) and is extending the comment period until further notice. When the NOI has been released, the project team will provide notification of the end date of the comment period which will be 30-days from the Federal Register publication of the NOI.
All formal comments must be submitted by email, through the project website or by sending a letter to Little Cottonwood EIS Project Team, c/o HDR, 2825 E. Cottonwood Parkway, #200 Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84121.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us through the project website, email or at 801-597-5128.
Submit comments on the LCC EIS website here.
* The Wasatch Front Regional Council develops the RTP every four years for the Salt Lake City-West Valley City and Ogden-Layton Urbanized Areas. The RTP includes roadway, transit, and other transportation facility improvements over the next 20-30 years in the urbanized area and is divided into three phases for when a project should be implemented (Phase 1 – 2019-2030, Phase 2 – 2030-2040, and Phase 3 – 2040-2050. Designed to meet the travel demand of a growing population, the RTP is developed in accordance with federal guidelines and includes roadway, transit, and active transportation projects. The RTP is developed in close coordination with region-wide transportation partners; local communities including planners, engineers, and elected officials; stakeholders; and the general public through an extensive planning process.
SLC you should seriously look at Aspen and Jackson Hole transit, where skiers can actually rely on taking a bus from town to resort. I’ve had two trips ruined by you buses and won’t be returning until your system is overhauled. I can ride the bus for free in Aspen and JH.