Salt Lake County Wasatch Canyons General Plan Open House
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October 24, 2019 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Salt Lake County
Cottonwood Heights City Hall
2277 Bengal Blvd. Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121
Salt Lake County is currently updating the Wasatch Canyons General Plan ( last adopted in 1989). The purpose of this plan is to guide future development and preservation in the canyons.
This process is expected to take two years to complete (2017 – 2019). The public is encouraged to get involved by providing feedback and suggestions along the way.
The General Plan planning process is coming to a close. Over the last two years, SLCo has been discussing major issues in the Wasatch Canyons and how to address them. Now we have
our first Public Draft of the plan.